Category Archives: Home Automation

Home Automation

Yet another Home Automation blog!

Welcome to my new blog!

About 14 years ago I got bitten by the Home Automation (HA) bug and have slowly seen what was initially a hobby grow into something of an addiction 😉

During that time I have tried and tested thousands of products, protocols, systems and settings and gradually refined my HA setup until it is now seen as essential by friends, family and colleagues.

Nowadays people are no longer shocked by my default response of “Because I Can” to their question “Why?” and in general they usually (eventually!) come round to my way of thinking 🙂

Due to having some more free time now and for the foreseeable future, I’ve decided to start writing a blog which will hopefully grow over the coming weeks, months and years and become a useful resource for anybody else that gets hooked!

Feel free to use any of the information, samples, files or source code on this blog as you see fit, but should you make improvements or changes then please let me know so that I can pass them on to the rest of the world! Also, please consider donating as this will encourage me to post regularly and share the vast amount of knowledge I have built up over the years 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Martyn Wendon